Project Overview
One major goal Calvary Old Bridge had in 2018 was getting its members to read the Bible personally on a daily basis. To that end, we started the One Year Bible Challenge, a rich resource designed to help people who were new to the BIble feel comfortable and fulfilled in their own reading time. For this project, I served as lead copywriter and content strategist.
This is a postcard we used to promote the One Year Bible Challenge at various events throughout the year. I served as lead copywriter on this postcard.
This website is the main resource people utilize as they go through the One Year Bible Challenge. I served as lead copywriter and assisted with creative direction on the website.
Reading Plan
This reading plan is a trifold handout we distributed within the church for people to keep up to date with their reading. On the front fold, each element of the One Year Bible Challenge is explained. I served as lead copywriter on on this reading plan.